Monday, November 29, 2010

Link to Beddow Family Tree

Rob McAuliffe, the operator of the Beddow Family Tree web page,  has kindly consented to hook us up! We are descended from Nathaniel Beddow, the brother who remained in Vriginia when the others moved to Ohio....I think. I need to confirm this. Y'all feel free too. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not actually know it all. (just most of it) : )

Here is his email with instructions. Wonder how he found our blog?

On the home page there is a place to login, go ahead and create a new account and I’ll give you the rights for livings and downloading….
I was very moved by your blog. Your use of words had me scurrying to the dictionary (ok, I googled it) LOL Anyway very impressive and I went ahead and plugged in some of the data and connected the dots… but if I were a betting man I’d say it was correct. I am amazed by the use of Marshalls in and out of different families.
In my quest for Beddows years ago, I was in your neighborhood and became a lifetime member of some village in the Shenadoah vally where Thomas and William lived before they took off for Ohio, guess Nathaniel stuck around though.
Anyway, hope it helps.

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