Sunday, December 12, 2010

Searching the Web and continue to yield information on the names in the Beddow and Breeden genealogies. Today I followed Carrie's Breeden side.

1. Carrie Lee Breeden (1902-2004), daughter of
2.  George Monroe Breeden, born in 1877, who was the son of
3. William (Roll) Monroe Breeden (1844-) son of
4. Beverly (Bromley) H. Breeden ((1814-1870) son of
5. Ezekiel Fields (Breeding) Breeden (1791-1868), son of
6. Ezekiel Field Breeding, ( 1775-), son of
7. Abner Breeding (-), son of
8. Richard Breeding (1716-1773)

The Richard Breeding family has a very large listing --I think around a thousand pages of descendants!--on with a contact, whom I have emailed for more info. I will get the information in more readable form when I can.

3. William Breeden (1844, above) was descended from the Morris family of Orange County on his mother's side. His mother, Mary (Polly Ann) Jane Morris (1825-1890) was the daughter of Blu(e)ford Morris, (1799-1850) who was descended from father and grandfather William Morris, the latter born 1730 in Virginia.

4. Beverly Bromley Breeden (1814) was descended from Elizabeth  (Betsy) R. Haney (1799-1868 ) on his mother's side.   Her father was James Bazil Haney (1758-) of Orange County and  her mother was Nancy "Nance" Petros (1766-) of Virginia. Her grandfather was Jeremiah Haney (1749) of Orange County and her maternal grandparents were Matthew Peatros (1738-1797) of Caroline County, Virginia and Jane Rayburn.

4. Mary Jane Morris was the daughter of Mary (Polly) Dunnivan (1800-) born in Orange County who was the daughter of John Dunnivan.

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