Friday, December 17, 2010

Thomas Beddow, Revolutionary War Notes

·  ID: I06666
·  Name: Thomas BEDDOW
·  Sex: M
·  Birth: 9 JAN 1761 in Prince George Co., Maryland
·  Death: 11 NOV 1851 in Galina, Ohio
·  Note:
From the Revolutionary War record of Thomas Beddow (Beddo): "I was born Ja nuary 23, 1761, in Prince George County, Maryland, where I resided duri ng the revolution near Nottingham and in the direction from there towar ds where the Federal City now is about 22 miles from Marlborough.
I was enrolled in the militia a year or two after the Declaration of Indep endence. A year or two after being enrolled was drafted or called into act ual service for nine months. This was about the first of April; I cannot r ecollect the year, but I think it was a year or two before the taki ng of L. Cornwall is at Yorktown, Virginia. I served under Capt. Thomas a nd Lt. Jack Green. This company to which I belonged, [Truman] first muster ed at a little town or place called Grubtown; and one company the neare st to our permanent station a little below Hannah Brown's Ferry on the Pat uxent River in Maryland. We were stationed here with 2 or 3 other compani es under the command of Col. Benjamin Skinner.
This place was near headquarters during my whole tour of nine months of se rvice. During the whole time we were stationed there, the enemy was hoveri ng about us, and we were compelled to keep an active guard on patrol. Whi le we were stationed at the Ferry, the enemy in the night attacked, Marlbo rough and plundered and burnt some part of it. We marched to the reli ef of this place, but the enemy had made its retreat before we arrived the re. Some time before the attack on Marlborough., I was one night standi ng sentry at the Ferry. The alarm was given and all our sentries were call ed in to our station. Our whole force was mustered expecting an attack fr om the enemy. At this time our Lt. Green left his post and secreted himse lf in a hay marsh, until the alarm was over. For this con duct Lt. Green w as afterwards tried by a Court Marshal for cowardice, and was dismissed fr om the army. After I had served my tour of nine months I was discharg ed at our station near the Ferry about the last of December. Some time aft er the revolution I left Prince Georges County and settled in Albemarle Co unty, VA. near a place called Port Republic about 11 miles from Charlottes ville. I resided
there until the month of August, 1828. I went to Rockingham Co., and le ft t here in 1831. When I left there and removed to the state of Ohio, I s ettled in Delaware County, September of 1831."

The war record of Thomas Beddow also shows that August 1852, his widow, Sa rah applied for a widow's pension. According to the report, Sarah was th en about ninety three years old. Thomas had tied November 10, 185 1. He h ad received a pension in 1832, when he was 71. She asked for a
continuance of the pension of $30 per year. She stated that she married Th omas in Prince George County, Maryland in 1777, the month and date she cou ld not recollect. The pastor was one Reverend Thomas Cliggit (sp) of the P rotestant Episcopal Church. She supplied affidavits since she had no reco rd of her marriage.

William, her son accompanied his mother, and declared that he was bo rn in 1780 -- the Bible page shows 1779 ... a census of 1850 shows 1781. F rom Theo Beddow's history.

Marriage 1 Sarah SULLIVAN b: ABT 1759
  • Married: 1777 in Prince George Co., Maryland
  1. William BEDDOW b: 13 OCT 1779 in Maryland
  2. Nathaniel BEDDOW b: 4 JUN 1782 in Albemarle Co., Virginia (  great grand father of James Edward Beddow)
  3. Sandy BEDDOW b: 10 MAY 1785 in Albemarle Co., Virginia
  4. Thomas BEDDOW b: 8 AUG 1787 in Albemarle Co., Virginia
  5. Richard BEDDOW b: 21 JUN 1789
  6. Elizabeth BEDDOW b: 24 DEC 1791
  7. Fielding BEDDOW b: 17 AUG 1794 in Albemarle Co., Virginia
  8. Michael BEDDOW b: 17 AUG 1794 in Albemarle Co., Virginia

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